Sunday, April 14, 2013

I am not a pro...

... as will become clear from these posts. Despite coming from one of the great mothing families of Bedfordshire, England, I have been immune to the wiles of the wainscots and the pull of the pugs until a recent visitor brought us a beautiful portable trap and infected my four-year-old son with a thirst for mothing. Being a good mother (and this time I mean 'female parent') I have promised my children that they will be allowed to moth on weekends. Being a good daughter and sister (and slightly competitive) I have promised my family that I will blog our findings. What makes our trap interesting is its location on Grand Cayman in the Caribbean - it is possible that we will be trapping previously unrecorded species - unfortunately we have no guide book to help us so we will be mothing in the dark, so to speak.

Lets kick off with some pictures of moths I (and/or my father, Trent) have snapped over the past few years in Cayman. From this point onwards any identifications or info will be gratefully received!

Streaked Sphinx Moth, Protambulyx strigilis

Ornate Moth, Utetheisa ornatrix

Spotted Oleander Moth, Empyreuma affinis

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