Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Brown brigade

Now, let's be clear, a spot of midweek mothing does not constitute an addiction... yet.
A new site -  on our upstairs balcony, safely away from the dog. As soon as the sun went down the first few visitors arrived, along with a very fat Cuban tree frog who presumably got fatter as the night went on. Lots of brown moths today:

Cramer's Sphinx Moth - Erinnyis crameri

Spodoptera ornitholgalli - Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth


  1. Look up Cramer's Sphinx for the top one ... it looks similar, especially the underwing with the black edging.
    Grandad Moth xxx

    1. Gadzooks, I think Grammoth's got it. Albeit a bit of a tatty specimen.
      Ta! Now what about the 3/4 moth on the bottom?
